This could easily be your own story. It could also just as easily be the story of a stranger you met the other night at Old Men’s, on top of Uluwatu cliff, or …

Born and raised in Switzerland, Pascal took up skiing and snowboarding from a very young age. Surfing came pretty naturally after that! He's since written for various Surf Mag’s, captured waves around the world and has even competed for a couple of years.
Reviewing the Surf companion, a handbook designed to accompany you on your journey to become (a better) surfer. Well worth checking out.
Is it ok to travel during the pandemia? AND what’s difference? Is it ok to travel during Corona? What’s the deal now, and how will it be in the future? Well, I …
Favorite pick You love surfing, traveling and the ocean? You love freedom and the idea of scheduling your day around tides rather than working hours? So did Liz. But she has probably …
Archipel der Wellen is a declaration of love for Indonesia, it’s people and of course, it’s waves. To me, one of the biggest difficulties, if it comes to writing about surfing, is …